Successful completion of the Summer Ulpan is required in order to begin studying in any of the preparatory programs (including Mechina and Sadarah).
Languages requirements for all tracks
- Successful completion of Hebrew levels Bet and Gimel (passing grade of 65 on final tests and successful completion of the entire course) or Dalet (passing grade of 70 on final test and successful completion of the entire course).
- Successful completion of English levels 3, 4, 4.5, 5 and 5.5 (includes a passing grade of 70 on final exams and successful completion of the entire course). Students must also take the AMIRAM exam. We offer classes from levels Pre-basic, for a score of 85.
- All language courses are included in your final grade average (including failing grades).
- In order to complete the Mechina year, students must pass Hebrew AND English courses.
- Students must pass Hebrew AND English language courses in the second semester in order to complete the Mechina year. If a student fails in the second semester, they must complete the class the following year.
Humanities & Social Sciences Track
- A weighted yearly grade average of at least 65
- Fulfilment of the minimum study load
- Passing grade is 60 on final test and on final grade
- Successful completion of the mathematics course “Introduction to Probability”
- Successful completion of the academic writing course
- Successful completion of one course in Jewish history or Israel studies
- Successful completion of at least one introductory course
- Failure in no more than two semester courses (mathematic course not included), given that the student has successfully completed Hebrew and English classes
- Language requirements (see above)
Acceptance to the following tracks will be determined by taking a math placement test after acceptance to the Mechina program.
Business/Economics Track
- A weighted yearly grade average of at least 65
- Fulfilment of the minimum study load
- Passing grade of 60 on final test and on final grade
- Successful completion of at least one mathematics course of 10 weekly hours
- Successful completion of the academic writing course
- Successful completion of a social science course
- Successful completion of one course in Jewish history and Israel Studies
Note: Students may still complete the requirements even if they fail in up to two semester courses (mathematic course not included), given that the student has successfully completed Hebrew and English classes
Exact & Life Sciences Track
- A weighted yearly grade average of at least 65
- Fulfilment of the minimum study load
- Passing grade of 60 on final test and on final grade
- Successful completion of mathematics courses at least 10 hours each semester
- At least one approved course in physics, chemistry, or biology completed during the last year of high school, or successful completion of a relevant course during the academic year
- Successful completion of one course in physics or biology
- Successful completion of one course in Jewish history and Israel Studies
- Students may still complete the track with up to two failing courses (mathematics not included), given that the student has successfully completed Hebrew and English classes
- Students who fail one mathematics, physics or biology semester course will automatically be transferred to the Humanities & Social Sciences or Business/Economics certificate, upon completion of the respective minimum requirements of each track (see sections above)
If you are applying for degree studies at Hebrew University with your SAT or Psychometric score, and have successfully completed both Calculus and Calculus for the Sciences, you will be awarded a bonus. This bonus will appear on your transcript and will be calculated into your weighted grade average. The bonus is for studies at Hebrew University only and is not applicable for any other institution.
Those who apply to Hebrew University through Direct Admissions are not eligible for the bonus.
Additionally, by successfully completing certain introductory courses during your Preparatory Program, you will not have to complete them during the first year of your bachelor’s degree studies.
Admission Requirements to HebrewU for Preparatory Program Graduates
Apply to the Preparatory Program (Mechina)
We’re pleased you’re applying to join us in Jerusalem on the Preparatory Program (Mechina). See our application guidelines or apply online now.
Preparatory Program Graduates Apply to HebrewU
Learn more about the requirements of application to Hebrew University once you’ve successfully completed the Rothberg International School’s Preparatory Program (Mechina).
Hebrew University Quick Facts

We offer courses and programs in a variety of fields, with a focus on social and political sciences, Israel and the Middle East, languages, religion, fine and performing arts, business and legal studies, and STEM.
The Real Jerusalem
Live on-campus with international and Israeli students – including a staff of Israeli students who help you navigate life in Jerusalem. This vibrant city will be your second classroom, full of trips and tours.
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Rothberg International School
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Boyar Building, Mount Scopus
9190501 Jerusalem, ISRAEL
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