Admission for Preparatory Program (Mechina) Graduates

This page is meant to show you the requirements of application to Hebrew University once you’ve successfully completed the Rothberg International School’s Preparatory Program (Mechina). Please contact us if you have any questions.

Admission to HebrewU for Preparatory Program Graduates

As a Preparatory Program graduate, you will be admitted to an undergraduate program at the Hebrew University based on a combination of your final grade average in your Preparatory Program and your psychometric examination or SAT scores. Note that each faculty of Hebrew University has its own specific requirements for admission. The mechina completion certificate is also recognized by other institutions of higher education in Israel.


¿ Qué se necesita para ser aceptado a la Mejiná ? 

Haber finalizado el Colegio Secundario. Unicamente estudiantes que puedan ser admitidos en las Universidades de sus paises de origen, podrán ser aceptados en la Mejiná.

Los candidatos que no hayan finalizado el colegio secundario en el momento de la inscripción deberán presentar una constancia de estudios o una carta de su escuela que indique su fecha prevista de graduación.


Conditions d’acceptation à la Mekhina

Le candidat doit être bachelier ou justifier d’un diplôme équivalent.

Si le  candidat s’inscrit à  la mehina alors qu’il n’est pas encore titulaire du baccalauréat, il doit produire un certificat de scolarité et/ ou un bulletin de notes de l’année en cours.


Что необходимо для поступления на Мехину?

Наличие аттестата зрелости, позволяющее поступить в ВУЗ в стране исхода.

Абитуриенты, записывающиеся на программу до окончания средней школы, обязаны предоставить  документ, свидетельствующий о том, что сам абитуриент учится в последнем классе школы, с указанием даты окончания.


ماذا تحتاج ليتم قبولك لبرنامج السنة التحضيرية؟ 

        شهادة إنهاء مرحلة التعليم الثانوي والتي تضمن التسجيل للدراسات الجامعية في جامعات البلد الأم للمرشح.

        المرشحون الذين يسجلون للبرنامج قبل إنهاء الدراسة الثانوية عليهم إحضار كشف بالعلامات أو كتاب من المدرسة الذي يحدد الموعد المتوقع لتخرجهم منها.

Hebrew University Quick Facts

Male and female student in conversation

We offer courses and programs in a variety of fields, with a focus on social and political sciences, Israel and the Middle East, languages, religion, fine and performing arts, business and legal studies, and STEM.

The Real Jerusalem

Live on-campus with international and Israeli students – including a staff of Israeli students who help you navigate life in Jerusalem. This vibrant city will be your second classroom, full of trips and tours.

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Contact Us

Rothberg International School
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Boyar Building, Mount Scopus
9190501 Jerusalem, ISRAEL 

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TrackSAT ACT Psychometric Test
(General or QE)
Business & English1310 28629
Business & Liberal Arts131028629
English & Liberal Arts102019516
Pre-Semester Program: “Encountering Jerusalem”
Practical Hebrew Beginners 4 credits
Israeli Society3 credits
Pre-Semester Program: “Encountering Jerusalem”
Practical Hebrew Beginners4 credits
Modern Standard Arabic Beginners 5 credits
Jerusalem: A Journey Through Time and Space3 credits
Pre-Semester Program: “Encountering Jerusalem”
Practical Hebrew Beginners4 credits
Modern Standard Arabic Beginners 5 credits
Jerusalem: A Journey Through Time and Space3 credits
Pre-Semester Program: “Encountering Jerusalem”
Practical Hebrew Beginners 4 credits
Israeli Society3 credits